Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What are the components of a good discipline policy?

Waht works?
- positive reinforcement
- clearly stated rules
- good communication
- school-wide consistency
- what else????

Please add to this list!

Another question -
We can make a generic list such as the one above, but what are the specific components to achieving success? How do we get all school participants to take leadership and responsibility for school discipline?

1 comment:

Domenic Saia said...


-Administrators communicating (conferencing) with teachers about how the discipline actions were determined.

-Administrators to be as consistent with the policy for each child as possible.

-More professional development for new teachers (or others) to prepare them for the challenge of classroom management.

-Casting more vision with the staff and students as to the schoolwide discipline policy....this is WHY we are establishing these rules/procedures.

-Supporting teachers strong discipline with students who are disrupting the learning process from the students who are behaving.